Saturday, January 4, 2020

Frozen (2013)

You'll notice over time that there are a lot of films that I have never viewed and with the astronomical amounts of films released in the past it almost seems impossible to see them all. Disney is one of those companies that I have unfortunately missed a lot of so when they decided to come out with Disney +, I took it as an opportunity to catch up which is why I chose Frozen for today's film. The film stars Idina Menzel (Uncut Gems) as Elsa, a girl who has never had it easy ever since she was a kid who discovered she had the powers to freeze things. To make matters worse, she almost killed her sister Anna (Kristen Bell) which forced her into isolation so that she could learn to control her powers. Well, one faithful day as she is revealed to the world as the new Queen, she kind of freezes things and curses her village into infinite winter and now it's up to Anna to try and save Elsa and the village before it's too late. The film also stars Josh Gad (Pixels) as Olaf, Jonathan Groff (Glee) as Kristoff, Santino Fontana (Sisters) as Hans, Alan Tudyk (Rogue One: A Star Wars Story) as Duke, Ciarán Hinds (Game Of Thrones) as Pabbie, and the film was directed by Chris Buck (Surf's Up) & Jennifer Lee (Zootopia).

I am not going to lie and say that I thought some of the songs they sing were a little cheesy to me at first, but as the movie progresses you almost forgive the singing. You forgive it because the story gets better and more interesting as the movie progresses and you can see why people loved this film. I will however say that if it wasn't for Josh Gad as Olaf, I don't think the film would've been that good because he is the MVP of the film for sure. Every Disney movie has that formula in it with all of the main characters, but one of them is always the comedic relief of the bunch and Olaf is that for Frozen. One of the things I liked most about the film too is that it didn't end with the typical princess in distress moment. What I mean by that  was there was no prince at the end of the film that kisses the Princess and she's magically fine. No in this film, they go outside the box and it's the true love of one sister to another that saves Anna at the end of the film. The voice acting was great, the singing was great as well, and the story was great. Their is not a lot to pick apart when it comes to this film, but I imagine that if I was a little kid when this came out that I may have loved all the songs too. So, I am going to go ahead and give this film an A for a final grade because it deserves at least that.

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