Thursday, June 25, 2020

30 Day Movie Challenge: Day 25- A Tale Of Two Coreys (2018)

There is two things that I always knew to be true in my life and the first thing was that there was no one cooler in the 80's than The Two Coreys (Corey Haim and Corey Feldman). The second thing is that Lifetime movies have always been lame because they have always tackled the types of films that kept Dean Cain afloat for years (They always follow a formula). So, when I set the task for today's 30 Day Movie challenge to be to watch a lifetime movie, I had one in mind already and that was A Tale Of Two Coreys which I finally discovered was on Amazon Prime. The film stars Elijah Marcano (The Walking Dead) as Corey Feldman and Justin Ellings (American Housewife) as Corey Haim, the legendary duo known as The Two Coreys, but one thing is for sure and that everything wasn't always glitz and glamour for these two as they fought the demons of Hollywood. The film also stars Ashley Scott (Jumanji: The Next Level) as Shelia Feldman, Patrick Muldoon (Starship Troopers) as Bob Feldman, Paula Lindberg (American Mary) as Judy Haim, Brian Huskey (This Is The End) as Bernie Haim, Brandon Howard as Michael Jackson, Keith Coogan (Jay and Silent Bob Reboot) as Marty,  Scott Bosely (Finding Max) as Adult Corey Feldman, Casey Leach (Secret Obsession) as Adult Corey Haim, Jacob Loeb (Colony) as Doug, and Bella Popa (The Haunting Of Sharon Tate) as Ally.

Now I will say that the film isn't all gltiz and glamour as it looks at the darker side of Hollywood that unfortunately claimed our favorite duo. There is a lot of dark and sensitive subject matter contained in this film as well as all of the depictions of their drug abuse that rocked Corey Haim for years and years. Now as far as a Lifetime movie is concerned, this is actually better than most films that I have seen from that company as it seemed they tried their best to pay tribute to Corey Haim showing that he was caring and kindhearted. The acting for the most part in the film is actually pretty well done and I loved the two actors they got to play them. I am a bigger fan of who they picked for both teen and adult Haim while adult Feldman looked more like the real Feldman then the kid version. I always thought that Feldman would have been the fun type as well, but the film makes him look like he was always the serious one while Haim was all about fun all the time. The film also makes it look like Haim was the bigger star of the two back in the 80's as he won the role of Les in License To Drive over Feldman who tried out for the role as well then to only show how undesirable he was as an adult. Haim was always my favorite of the two, but while the acting was good, there were some moments and every film has them. The cinematography was pretty good as well the soundtrack was awesome. My only criticism is that I would have loved to see more of the 90's years between the two, but I'll take this. I am going to give the film an B for a final grade.

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