Saturday, July 11, 2020

Thelma & Louise (1991)

With this challenge, I am trying to knock off some titles off of my list that were critically acclaimed films that I never bothered to watch, but I know the iconic scenes. You are going to notice on this blog that there are a lot of those. One of those films on my list was on courtesy of HULU and that was 1991's Thelma & Louise which was directed by Ridley Scott (Blade Runner). The film stars Susan Sarandon (The Witches Of Eastwick) as Louise and Geena Davis (Tootsie) as Thelma, a couple of girlfriends who decide one weekend that they want to get away from it all to do some fishing and hang out. Those plans come to a screeching halt when Louise murders a man who tried to rape Thelma and now the two are on the run from the cops as they try to make it to Mexico. The film also stars Christopher McDonald (Happy Gilmore) as Darryl, Michael Madsen (Once Upon A Time In Mexico) as Jimmy, Harvey Keitel (Isle Of Dogs) as Hal, Stephen Tobolowsky (Groundhog Day) as Max, Brad Pitt (Once Upon A Time In Hollywood) as J.D.,  Timothy Carhart (Black Sheep) as Harlan, Lucinda Jenney (Thinner) as Lena, the waitress, Sonny Carl Davis (Fast Times At Ridgemont High) as Albert, and Ken Swofford (The Andromeda Strain) as Major.

This is another film that I waited too long to watch and one of the striking things about this film is that screenwriting. Callie Khouri who is a writer for Nashville among other things gets full credit for the terrific job she did on the film. She set up all the right events like the hook which was Harlan getting shot and then all of the turning points and subplots were just so fluid and the characters she created were awesome from Pitt's appearance as J.D. which was fantastic. This was when Pitt was in his crazy character phase like Kalifornia, etc. and that is essentially why we love Brad Pitt because he's awesome. Sarandon and Davis really carry the ball all the way through this film and to be honest they do not drop it at all. David and Sarandon were amazing with Sarandon having a slight edge even though Davis has some bad ass scenes too. One of my favorite things about this film because it is just as much a driving movie as much as it is a crime drama is that the cinematography is absolutely amazing especially when they get to Arizona. There is some beautiful shots of those beautiful and unique mountains that you can picture when you think of The Grand Canyon and Arizona. It's almost it's own character as they drive across the south and we feel we are on the trip with them. One of the things that bugged me is the scene when they cops are arriving to Darryl's house and it looks like it;'s raining on one side and not the other but you can clearly tell some of it is hoses. Other than that, this is a definitely a film worth checking out especially for the famous hand holding car scene at the end. That is why I am giving the film an A- for a final grade.

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