Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Horse Girl (2020)

Netflix for a very long time had come out with material that was just phenomenal whether it be original documentary films/series, original series, stand up specials, or even their original films. Now with Disney Plus being around, the company has to step up their game. The film that I chose for today features a slew of actors that have all either been on Netflix shows or films as we watched 2020's Horse Girl which was co-written and directed by Jeff Baena (The Little Hours). The film stars Netflix veteran and co-writer of the film Alison Brie (The Little Hours) as the socially distant, but innocent Sarah who has a love for paranormal TV shows, horses, and arts and crafts. One day after a weird dream, Sarah begins to decline mentally as the things she dreams about start to trickle into her real life and start becoming a hindrance. The film also stars Debby Ryan (Netflix's Insatiable) as Nikki,  Jake Picking (Netflix's Hollywood) as Brian, Molly Shannon (The Little Hours) as Joan, John Ortiz (Silver Linings Playbook) as Roy, Lauren Weedman (Date Night) as Cheryl, John Reynolds (Stranger Things) as Darren, Meredith Hagner (Set It Up) as Heather, Paul Reiser (Aliens) as Gary, Robin Tunney (Empire Records) as Agatha Kaine, Matthew Gray Gubler (Alvin And The Chipmunks) as Darren, and Dylan Gelula (Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt) as Jane Doe.

The film is actually very good and definitely one that I think is worth checking out if you are into the more psychological side of thrillers because this is a story of a girl falling into hysteria. I couldn't have thought of anyone better to play the role than the amazing Alison Brie who is yet to disappoint me with what she releases whether it be G.L.O.W., BoJack Horseman, The Little Hours, etc. The poor girl even has an awkward full frontal nude scene in the film that must have been interesting to film, but she does such a great job. She makes you believe that everything is OK with her in the beginning of the film, but the thing is you have to pay attention to the signs when given to you. I say that because she eventually descends into madness and the signs have been there all along with how some of the people act when they are around her. I should have known when I saw them, but I was like why are they acting like she's weird and then the film progresses and you begin to understand. She is definitely the main star of the film while everyone else is literally a supporting actor to just her and it definitely works. They did a great job with the acting and I loved when they went into the dream sequence towards the end because that was a trip. I definitely recommend this to anyone because a good story can take you anywhere and they accomplish that with good cinematography as well.  With that being said, I am giving the film an A- for a final grade.

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