Sunday, May 3, 2020

The Comedy Of Terrors (1963)

We are now well into the month of May and I hope everyone is being safe as we all endure the pains of Quarantine and government imposed stay at home orders. I just hope that through this blog, I can give you some suggestions on films to watch and for today's Sunday At The Classics, we have decided to check out 1963's The Comedy Of Terrors which was directed by Jacques Tourneur (I Walked With A Zombie). The film stars Vincent Price (The House On Haunted Hill) as drunkard undertaker Waldo Trumbull who along with his trusty sidekick Felix (Peter Lorre) run a funeral home that isn't quite the most happening place for business in New England. Then you add the pressure of owing rent and now Trumbull has the bright idea that if they are not willing then we shall make them so as he creates his own clients. The film also stars Boris Karloff (Dick Tracy Meets Gruesome) as  Amos Hinchley, Joyce Jameson (The Outlaw Josey Wales) as Amaryllis Trumbull, Joe E. Brown (It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World) as Cemetery Keeper, Beverly Powers (Kisses for My President) as Mrs. Phipps, Orangey The Cat (Breakfast At Tiffany's) as Cleopatra, Luree Holmes (How To Stuff A Wild Bikini) as Black's servant, and Basil Rathbone (The Adventures Of Robin Hood) as John F. Black.

When you have the caliber of actors in this film like Vincent Price, Peter Lorre, and Basil Rathbone would you expect anything less than a great performance from them? Vincent Price was brilliant as a self centered drunkard who only cared about money more than anything in the world while Peter Lorre played the obedient servant who was only obedient because of a secret that was being held over him. Basil Rathbone on the other hand was the Shakespearean loving landlord who just refused to stay dead in the film which was the comedy of terrors in this film. At points in this film, you will find yourself rooting for Peter Lorre's character as he attempts to get the girl because she deserves better than Trumbull because I sure as heck was rooting for him. I know I didn't mention Boris Karloff in the beginning and that is because he looked like death in this film and while he played his role well, he didn't have to do much, but act like he had one foot in the grave. He does however shine towards the end of the film when he gets his one big scene. I thought the film was a lot of fun to watch and I can imagine that it entertained a lot of horror fans back in the day as this is an original horror comedy as there were a lot of good laughs in this one for sure. I am definitely recommending this one to anyone who loves any of those four gentlemen in this film. That is why I am going to give the film an B+ for a final grade so check it out on Amazon Prime right now.

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